Sunday, May 31, 2009


this blog entry is a 2-day-er.
includes the last night we spent on this tour with the beautiful and awesome boys of Loma Prieta.
love those kids.
check out their new album if you haven't already.

day 10

...somewhere in between Salt Lake and Denver. this was the set to one of the shoots for the skate-vid we are putting together for this tour.

...Lomadre chillin at Toledo Sean's house (although he now resides in Denver, i think he still likes to go by "Toledo Sean"). solid ass dude. loves to smoke the weed.

day 11

...stoopin' it up at Sean's. beautiful summer day. the Ghost House in Lincoln, Nebraska. chillin with Vic (also, solid ass dude).

...this is what happens when youtube takes control. homie Gabe trying to eat 40 pizza bites in less than a few mins to break some youtube-chumps' record. (i dont think he broke the record, but people were stoked either way).

...the Ghost House Basement. (notice Steven's awesome shorts?!?!? we all got a pair on these on this tour...thanks kid at American Apparel for answering all my "interesting questions" while Juan went "shopping" behind your back).

...Juan's concoction for the night.

...Loma's last night with us...we figured we should party hard. and party hard we did.

...Derek (Father Chow) after emptying out that bottle down his throat. some point of the night, bottle rockets were found. firing them out of bottles were fun till some dude had a way better idea...if you gotta ask, you dont wanna know.

...the beginning of Derek's wonderful night.

...Brian being a pal.

...had to do it.

...this picture just rules.

...yup. ...but of wait??!?! how can this possibly get better...

...could not stop laughing.

...we thought he should rep it. (notice the "I AM SORRY, D." ...see?!??! ...not jerks!)

...the finished product. good fight. good night.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


i'm back.
and a little late.
it just hit me now...(9 days into this summer's tour)...that i want to do a photo-blog.
less writing.
more pictures.

this first one is gonna be kinda big though as it is a recap of the past 9 days...

day 2

...Juan on bass, Steven on drums, Wes on vox, and Jeremy on lead guitar...went on tour and took the nerd world by storm.

...with homies in Portland, Oregon.

day 3 Tre's with gnyongniez and a cute pooch.

...playing some b-ball in Tacoma with team not-good.

day 4

...back at Tre's after Saturday night at Rain Fest. at midnight, it was big JJ's bday.

...from midnight till about 5am was a 90's dance party in Tre's room. got stoopid wild pretty fast.

...i have no idea at what point this picture was taken and/or what the situation was, but what the hey.

...6am b-ball game.

..."so gangster, he's got the dots under BOTH eyes". sorry Jake-y, but it had to be done.

day 5

...Jake-y (fully recoueperated) reps the crew.

day 7 Missoula, Montana (first time in this state)...with the Loma Prieta kids.

...yeah. the Loma van. and Loma with the Missoula kids.

...after the show, the kids took us to their skatepark. midnight and lights were still lit. good times.

...Wes bangin'.

...slept on a kitchen floor that night. apparently the house was haunted too. siq. (no ghost-sighting though, still kinda scared when i woke up in the middle of the night though).

day 8 morning, we hiked up to this big "M" on the top of this mountain.

...was a pretty awesome view of Missoula.

...where is Wes?!!?!

day 9

...driving to Salt Lake City.

...wasting money on weird things.

...Lomadre slumber-party.