as Mr Cube once said, today was a good day. we woke up in Versailles at our buddies house, went down the street to the market to get "breakfast"...(which if you are like me, look like this)...
...some crappy packaged-waffles, 1 banana, and some straight "tropical" drank. (funny story about bananas: Boss is REALLY anti-banana. he wont ever eat one cause he says that if you eat too many of them [like 20 at one time or something], that your stomach will start bleeding or some shit and you'll cough up blood till you die. not sure if that is true or not, but it's funny).
anyways, today we had a short drive (2-3 hours again), so we had time to we went to the castle of Versailles. it's like where like all the King Louies lived or someone shitty important like that. it's fuckin HUGE. and the garden is FUCKING RIDICULOUS. and i heard it's like crazy haunted, so that rules too.
so yeah, here's some pictures of us walking around...
...that was his "house". just 1 crazy ass French dude running around, shitting on floors all day in this place. (note: we were told that whenever the King had to take a crap, he would just go anywhere on the floor where he wanted and his servant dudes had to clean it up. those dudes were clearly last in line when it came time to pass out jobs). anyways, here is a picture of the shit-infested floor...
but anyways, the craziest part of this castle was the front lawn/garden set up...
...this was on the side of the castle...
...this was directly in front of the castle...and this was directly in front of that...
...we didn't walk all the way down, but its crazy cause you literally could not see the end of this garden. like it just keeps on going and going. ridiculous. here's a picture of us in front of it!
...goddamn...........great looking d00dz. this is what was on the other side of the castle... a freakin stage/ampatheater thing on water!
the whole time while we were walking around in the garden, i was telling the dudes this haunted story i once heard about this apparently one day when 2 tourists were walking around deep in the garden, they ran into like all these people in old-timey clothes (like the clothes that they wore back in the day when Louie was alive and shit), and the tourists were all like "whoa cool, they must be having some show/reanactment type thing" anyways, when they got back up to the front of the castle, they talked to some worker and asked about the show/reanactment thing, and the worker was all like "uhh, we don't have things like that here". and the tourists were all like "but we saw them, in the clothing and shit!". and then the worker was all like "where did you see them?". and then the tourists where like "we were down in that area, we just walked over the river on the little bridge..." and then the worker cut them off and was all like (in a super spooky voice i'm sure)..."that bridge?!??! that bridge hasn't been there in like 100 fuckin years and shit". so yeah, like they went into some crazy time-warp thing. crazy huh?
so after that, we got back into the van and headed to Caen in France. it was cool cause the weather was getting a lot better...the sun was coming out and it was getting warmer outside. Caen was a super nice city. very old-timey looking with small, stone-walk streets and crap. really cool looking. we got to the venue and was greeted by Simon. he had made us some homemade pizza (as well as other stuff) for dinner... ruled. check out that vegan pate next to the bread...SO fuckin good.
so anyways, after we ate, we set up our stuff, hung out, had a few drinks. i went down the street to steal wireless from some fancy restaurant. here's what it looks like when i nerd-it -up while in France...
the show also went well. Simon's band was way siq. they were like totally Kid Dynamite-esq stuff. loved it.
after the show, me, Juan, and Wes split up from the rest of our crew cause Simon and his friends wanted to party at a friend's flat. the rest of our crew went back to Simon's place to crash. so yeah, we walked around Caen for a while and got to Tonio's flat not too long after. it was rad. all the kids were super nice. we nicknamed this kid "Salt-n-Pepper", who was way siq. as we were walking to the flat, he was all like "dont worry guys, you guys are safe here, cause you are with...Salt-n-Pepper!". he told us how he single-handidly ran that city and shit like that. hah. the dude totally ruled. here's a picture of him kissing his buddy...
we stayed there for maybe 2 hours and then called it a night and headed back to Simon's place. but not before capturing this siq pic... our walk home was rad too. Simon is a super funny ass dude. but yeah, we got to the house and passed out pretty quick.
siq shit top 5:
1. some of the Aussitot Mort guys coming out to the show.
2. Wes trying some of Boss' snooze (not sure if that's how you spell it).
3. talking to my friend Enrique online and hearing that he graduated from college this past weekend. congrats dude.
4. the ever-so-popular phrase: "do you guys want to make a party?"
5. Salt-n-Pepper's farewell phrase to us as we left Tonio's flat: "bye guys! and don't forget...stay salty". (i know a few people in the SoCal/Irvine area who would be very stoked on that).
This is definitely some siq shit.