Tuesday, June 10, 2008


***oh yeah, sorry this is kinda out of order, but i totally i forgot i had these pics from the disco that we went to on the first night in Giesen. check em'...

...Wes getting hellza low and just being a fly-ass mutha fucka (check out that hoddie-ova-da-neck shit he'z rockin while dancing. that's for sure gonna be the next new thing. i'm sure the Pack [or someone equally as shitty] are gonna write a song about that).

...me and Juan poppin' n' lockin' wit the locals. apparently it was cool to hardly have your eyes open while you were at that disco. yeah, yeah, that's it.

...it is kinda hard to tell, but this guy is totally guitar-soloing on a beer bottle. i think it was during a Rage song. nevertheless, this guy clearly fuckin rules more than you.

***ANYWAYS...to get back on track...

Day 3,

woke up in Wolfsburg round noon. i slept on a couch that was clearly to small for my body, but for some reason or another even though i knew that when lying down, i still slept on it. i suppose it was a little self-challenge. i tend to always pick the shittiest places to sleep cause it's funny (and cause i believe i can pretty much fall asleep at any time, ANYWHERE. a little gift it is). i remember waking up in the middle of the night and the top of my head was pretty much all numb because the placing of my head cut off all the blood's circulation...(weird cause as i am writing this, i just now remember Steven actually told me that this exact same thing happened to him earlier on the tour when he fell asleep on a paper towel roll or something. but i think it's too late to go up to him and be like "dude, Steven, remember when the top of your head was all numb and shit, dude, the same thing happened to me!"...so hopefully he'll just read this blog entry. but yeah, i know how it felt dude, and yeah, it did feel fuckin weird).

anyways, had some breakfast, hung out with the kids at the community space, "borrowed" a few rolls of toilet paper from their b-room (thanks guys, they actually came VERY MUCH in handy later), packed up the van, and headed off. at this point, we were still with our buddies Memorial from France (awesome kids by the way, but i'm sure i've already said that). so yeah, before heading towards Hamburg where the show was tonight, we wanted to do some real, authentic, one-of-a-kind German sight-seeing of tourist attractions.....................so we went to the VW factory...

...we got that far before realizing we had to pay. broke. we did get to see some dudes testing cars in some wet-ground-like terrains though. the yellow car always spun out when it slammed on its brakes. it was siq...no crashes though :(

so back in the van and off to Hamburg. this place was one of my favorites last year (like really, really), so i was very excited to go back. the drive was only 3 or so hours again, so that was super cool as well. we listened to some Joe Roggan standup thing on the way there. note-to-self, never listen to Joe Roggan stand up. he kinda sucks i think.

we got to our buddy Tobi's house early in the day and had some time to hang hard. (ps, might i add, it was SUPER nice outside. like prob mid-70's n' shit). but anyways, Tobi had since moved from when we stayed with him last year. and his new place RULED. it was seriously just this apartment building in a nice area of Hamburg that was like a co-op apartment building. 5 floors, 16 people, 1 large "common/lounge area" on the first floor, and they had turned their top floor/attic into a rock climbing room (refer to the pic below)...

...i know!!! siq huh??? that's also where we slept after the show.

but anyways, so this building, 16 people, everyone knew everyone, and everyone was friendly as shit! super awesome people. good vibe for sure. we spent a few hours before the show just hanging hard in their backyard/garden area...

...way nice. (check out Boss in his shorts and sandals. that dude is a straight B.A. ["badd ass" for you narvos and narcs]). anyways, it was awesome and chillaxin. but, at this point is when Steven and i got attacked hard by allergies. like, no joke, shit was just running down our noses like NON-stop. fuckin suxed. i tried some nasal-decongestion crap...but it just made it worse i think, and plus, i accidently sprayed it too far up my nose, and some went down my throat and swallowing that shit SUCKS.

so whatevz, with running noses in gear, we jumped into the van with Tobi and our buddy Hilke (might remember her as one of our accomplices from our last Euro-tour that spent some time with us in the slammer), and headed to the venue, Rotte Flora

we got their and it was just as awesome as i remembered it. and to top it off, the kids there were in mid-construction of a total diy skatepark in the back. siq! after hanging for a bit and a LOT of use of the "borrowed" toilet paper because our noses would not stop, we had an awesome dinner. the kids at the space cooked a TOOOOON of food. and not just for the bands, but they had like a community, free, "food not bombs" type thing set up there. super awesome.

after i ate i realized that i was feeling preeeeeeetty shitty. like, kinda bad-shitty. i had some heat flashes type of crap, would just break into some cold sweats and felt tired (and my nose was STILL running by the way). so yeah, i got a little bummed and sketched out. i was pretty sure i was getting sick (notice how i didn't use "siq" there. way different). so i started drinking a lot of water, ate as much food as i could, and took some ibuprofen (not sure if that would help at all in this situation, but i could imagine if Chelsea was there, she would prob say..."whoa, you're getting a cold, you should take ibuprofen"). so whatever, i did.

we played, and it ruled. i think we played something like 15 songs again or something ridiculous like that (note: back home, our usual jamz are like 7-8 songs cause we ain'tz tryingz to be'z like no r-starz r n-y-thing like dat). so yeah, we played for a whiiiiile, but people were into it, and needless to say, i sweated a LOT. BUT i actually think that helped my situation. got all the bad out, you know?

after the show, we went to go get falafels cause Boss was super stoked on this one place in Hamburg. so we rolled over with friends and even though i wasn't even really that hungry, i could imagine if Chelsea was there, she would prob say..."whoa, you're getting a cold, you should eat a lot"...so i bought a falafel and destroyed it. and it was fucking good.

as we were walking back to our van, check this billboard that we found...

...i know huh? fuckin Bay Area water and shit.

anyways, back to Tobi's palace of awesomeness and headed to the top floor for sleep. only prob with that situation was that the b-room was alllll the way on the first floor, and right as i laid down to go to bed, i definitely had to take a piss (note: i drank a LOT of water b4 going to bed too cause of the whole cold/getting sick thing, and blah, blah, Chelsea would prob say, blah, u know where this is going...blah...). so anyways, i said "fuck it" and just went to bed and hoped that i wouldn't have a dream of me taking a piss.  cause that could be bad.

oh, and ps...Jack broke a string today during our set.  i'm pretty sure that's the first time he's done that in 10 years.  no joke, i am disappointed.

"siq shit" top 5 list for this day:
1. the fact that this entry is long as fuck and you are still reading this
2. there was still a bit of light in the sky at 10pm
3. Tobi's place
4. Tobi's dog Johnny
5. meeting these 2 awesome kids from Colorado who had been backpacking/hitch-hiking though Europe for a month already and had 2 months left of pure "fuck you world, i'm gonna do whatever the fuck i wanna do and have hella fun doing it even though i really dont have that much money" adventures through Europe and Africa. have fun guys.


  1. Hey baby, gracias por mantenernos al tanto de su tour europeo, and, I know, I know, I'm writing in spanish but que caramba! tu, tu hermano y algĂșn otro que hable castellano lo entiende, no? y repito, have fun, eat well, find a good pillow para poder dormir bien (you guys need to rest w/some confort) and stay out of trouble. Love you babies.

  2. 1st, I know that's your momma by her callalily name. :) how cute.

    2nd, I woulda told you to take benadryl for your nose...it might have made you sleepy though.

    3rd, siq blog.
