woke up at Andy's in Nurnberg, Germany. we got ready, then headed over to another house in the same city to meet up with the Trainwreck guys and have breakfast. on the way, we picked up a buddy of ours who was catching a ride with us to the show tonight (he bought us all popsicles too...what a sweetie). we were playing in Dornbirn, Austria today (although the whole time i thought we were in fuckin Germany).
the drive went by pretty fast. we were pumping jamz by Converge, Trainwreck, Phantom Float, Who Calls So Loud, and a bunch of radio-comedy/bits things. i slept alot. and bought a .89cent bottle of juice. and it was fuckin good.
we got to the venue and it was like out in the cuts. kinda crazy setup, but the place TOTALLY TOTALLY ruled. we were greeted by David, Emi, and a few of the other kids that worked there. it was a state-funded community center. they had an awesome stage/show set up downstairs, then upstairs there was like a huge "hang out area" with kicker tables, pool tables, pinball tables, and a bunch of other crazy crap...
...they even had this 6-person kicker table! the place was really nice. and everything was paid/supported by the Austrian government (even the money that was used to pay the bands...yeah, crazy).
we found out that the kid David that put on the show was at our show at ABC No Rio last year in NYC. and he was also the one who cooked us dinner today. check this shit out!!!!!!
...vegan lasagna (that was stupidly good and there was a LOT of) and a siq salad. THEN, after all of us were just filled like crazy from the lasagna, homeboy brought out fuckin dessert...
...yeah dude, yeah...like strawberries in this doughy stuff with almonds and nuts sprinkled over it, in this vanilla/strawberry sauce. reeeeeeeediculous.
after everyone was just dead from eating so much, we all just chilled it hard in the lounge area. then we were told that if we wanted to, we could use their phone to make some phone calls back home cause their phone bill was also paid by the state. so yeah, rules! (note to self: if you are cool, you got a phone call. if not, keep trying). hah! jk (maybe).
the show started soon after that. here are some pics from the T-wreck set...
some kids drove out from Munich too, which was super sweet of them. it was good times. oh! and Jack broke another string today while playing. that is the third time on this tour! (and the third time in his life i think). insane.
after the show, us and the T-wrecks stayed at the place cause they also had mattresses for us and all that jazz. we drank some drankz, played some kicker and pinball. jumped on some computerz for nerd time, and played some siq jamz over the place's PA (and you know "captain save a hoe" was one of dem gemz). some dudes also took showers and crap like that. (there were also a bunch of bugs/mosquittos in and around the place that was kinda a bummer). a bunch of the dudes stayed up talking US politics and shit like that. (Steven is currently reading some crazy book about some retired US special agents/government old dude or some shit that is just spilling the beans bout all the fucked up shit that went on when he worked for the US gov). anyways, while this went on, i drank beer and got really sleepy.
"siq shit" top 5 of da day:
1. food by David.
2. talking to friends back home via telley.
3. not knowing we were in Austria until very late at night.
4. money spent by the Austrian government for of our dozen phone calls to the US.
5. me and Wes (while on the 2nd floor) hearing kinda loud things hit the window from the outside and saying "holy shit, those are some big ass bugs". then after a while of not stopping, realizing it was Jack throwing rocks at it cause he was locked outside.
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