here are some pictures i was sent from our show in Ljubljana, Slovenia: was a good show. (check out Steven's egg-y ass bass on that last photo. all fuckin egg-y and shit).
anyways, today we woke up in Ljubljana and had some awesome breakfast. Luka and his gf had made us these little vegan fried chicken patties that we threw on some bread with some also awesome vegan spread. damn good. they also told us they'd both see us at Cry Me a River Fest. fuuuckz yes.
the drive went pretty well. it was about 4 and a half hours. we were going back to Austria, to the city of Linz. in the van, we jammed the jamz of Refused, American Nightmare, Dont Trip, Suicide File, as well as others. yeah, we are pretty fuckin' tough.
***whoa, as i was writing this, a HUGE fuckin bug flew in through the window and landed next to me. HOLY SHIT, i swear to god, it was BIG. like as big as a winged-cat. i screamed. Boss freaked. i apologized and told him i thought it was a dragon***
anyways, so the drive was nice. it looked like this...
we got to the venue and were greeted by awesome kids as usual. Paulina (i believe her name was) was the one putting on the show. she ruled a lot. the place was super nice, had a really nice show space, a huge sleeping/hang out area with beds for all...
...showers (that didnt really work that well, but hey, any shower is a nice shower), cool bar, and even a kicker-table...
...or "foosball"-table for you looserz that have clearly never been to a punk show in Europe (pffffff, fuckin amz). but yeah, the Germans are fuckin good as hell at kicker. me and Wes tried to win, it didn't work out to well for team "USnakesofA" (oh yeah, we listened to that song on the drive today too).
also, the kids at the space cooked us up some MAD awesome dinner...
...siq veggies, and rice, and (MORE) awesome vegan fried chicken things, and to top it off...some yee' ol' good' ol' constitutionally-correct "freedom" fries (ah, the wonders of US patriotism).
anyways, the show was rad...
...i really liked that flyer. but anyways, the first band, called To Be Continued were good and were way rad guys. Trainwreck played after that and were siiiiiq. kidz were freaking out like crazy n' shit. it was fun. we played after that and it went also very well. there were a group of kids who drove out from Vienna (where we played a few days ago) that were going nuts. hah. good stuff. crowd surfing each other and crap. good times.
after the show, the party really began. everyone left the venue except for us, Boss, the T-wrecks, and like 2 people who worked there who were also staying with us. and we were all just kickin' it straight hard. Timo T-wreck popped open another bottle of wine, some beerz were being passed around...and before we knew it, we had a little surprise guest show up to our party...
...yeah, yeah, you got it right...Drunk-bot. well, i guess the "Euro-Drunk-bot". the original Drunk-bot was born on tour in Sioux Falls, South Dakota by none other than our Tanman. apparently, it was time to resurrect and come correct ( like that one? "resurrect and come correct"...yeah, just made that up. feel free to use that if you want). anyways, shit got pretty wild after that...
...when Boss first saw Drunk-bot, he said he had to give him a hug.
then came Drunk-bot's drunkin downfall (or "upfall". it really depends on who you ask)...
Euro-Drunk-bot was pretty solid. he even reffed a few arm-wrestling comps...
but we had to keep him on a full, constant, frequent, alcoholic-charge or else he'd run out of juice and die. that's a damn good piece of machine. no one really knows what happened to Juan while Drunk-bot graced us with his visit.
"siq shit" of the day:
1. Jay-Z's gas station market in Slovenia...
2. awesome kids that drove like 2-3 hours from Vienna.
3. some (probably/hopefully drunk) dude constantly singing the "doo-ap, da da ra da..."s from the "i'm the scat-man" song during our much, that our set ended in all of us singing it with him and breaking into a dance.
4. Drunk-bot's "beer-plugs" (refer to the first Drunk-bot pic)
5. this lovely picture...
guess who's wearing the coolest shirt..? of course, who else!