here's a picture i got sent from our first show of the tour in Giesen, Germany...

woke up in Munich, had some breakfast rolls and some awesome various spreads, said goodbye to our buddies at the Kafe Kult, and us and the T-wreck dudes jumped into our vans to start our venture to Wien, Austria.
the crappy part of today was that while we were gonna play in Wien, there was a freakin Eurocup soccer game in Wien as well at the same time. so yeah, weren't really sure what to expect of our show (but it turned out to be pretty fuckin good at the end).
the drive was nice, we went through the southern part of Germany (Bavaria) which is full of mountains and hills and shit. it looked like this...
Bavaria is also known for its real shitty cops who like to hassle people cause they think they are topshitz apparently. (this is probably where i should quote Mr. Cube again). i remember last year while in Bavaria, there were two times when cops came up to our van and questioned everything and took our passports and took pictures of them and shit. but luckily, we didnt run into any trouble this time.
anyways, after a few hours, and more "exciting" adventures with Bilbo, Frodo, and Gandoff (or however you spell those losers' names) we got to Wien (or Vienna or whatever the hell you wanna call it). we were playing the same place we played last year. this placed called Arena. it's pretty rad. it's like almost a small little inclosed-punk-rock-town. in it's walls, there is like 3 bars, one huge outdoor stage, an apartment/hotel thing where bands stay, and like 4 other different sized venues/spaces where bands play. pretty sweet.
***as i'm writing this, we just drove into Italy. first time here. siiiiiiiiiq***
but anyways, we got to the venue and had these like almost burrito-like things for dinner. they were damn good. and drank some warm beer (seriously, what the hellllllll is up with the room-temp beer?!?!? give me a nice, freezing cold, $2.25 out the door, shit 40oz champaign of beerz ANY day over any room-temp beer. but then again, these warm beerz are free. and free tastes fuckin good).
the show actually went pretty well considering the soccer game in the same city. there were a good amount of people there, and the place let us set up on the floor instead of their stage which is always nice(r). after the show, some of us hung out with the local kids, some of us went to the apartment/hotel thing, took some showers, went online, chatted it up. we had to go to sleep early cause the drive the next day is 8 hours.
***as i'm writing this, i am seeing like TONS and TONS of amazing places we could go swimming at :( super clear blue water n' shit :( but we dont have time. i just wanna go swimming. NOW***
anyways, that's about it for today. sorry for the lack of pictures and exciting shit today. to make up for it, here's some pictures i found in my photo booth album...

"siq shit" her ya go:
1. listening to all of "Something to Write Home About" on this drive.
2. someone saying "hey, have you ever heard of the Gorilla Biscuits?", and then me saying "yeah", and then him saying "you guys are better than them".
3. meeting a bunch of (more) awesome kids who are gonna make the 10hour drive to Cry Me a River Fest.
4. Timo T-wreck breaking open a bottle of red wine.
5. Martin T-wreck getting t-wrecked and someone saying "i heard he's passed out in the backstage", then not finding him there and then just not finding him anywhere for a few hours.
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